Fossil Age Minerals

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Sand Dollar Fossil Collection

Sand Dollar Fossils are also called Sea Urchin Fossils. Sea Urchins are a group of marine invertebrates that today can be found in almost every major marine habitat from the poles to the equator and from the intertidal zone to depths of more than 5,000 meters. There are around 800 extant species and the group has a long and detailed fossil record stretching back about 450 million years ago to the Late Ordovician Period. Commonly called "Sea Biscuits" of Sea Urchins Echinoid is Latin for "pickle". When alive these animals were covered with movable spines which gave protection and provided locomotion.

Types of Sand Dollar Fossils

Our sand dollar fossils come from a variety of species such as starfish and sea urchin clusters. Our collection features sand dollar fossils that come primarily from the Jurassic, Eocene, and Pliocene Ages.

Have a question about the age of a particular fossil? Contact us now!
